About the Author
Hello there, my name is
Mariya Marinova.
I am a nutrition coach,
fitness junkie,
and the founder of
Thrive While Smiling.
I am currently eating nutritious food, moving my body daily, getting adequate rest, taking care of my mental health, and overall living a healthy lifestyle.
But my life hasn’t been always like that.
Healthy lifestyle looked so hard to achieve.
For a very long time, I really wanted to live a healthy lifestyle - make good nutrition choices, work out a few times a week, looking a certain way.
However, this lifestyle looked so hard to achieve.
I thought that healthy eating means I have to give up carbs, all my favorite foods, carbs, fats, carbs, etc. Did I mention carbs?!
Eating healthy in my head was eating only salads, like 3 times a day.
I thought that working out in a gym looks like endless hours spent on the treadmill and doing gazillion repetitions of abs exercises.
I thought that I have to look a certain way to fit into a certain lifestyle.
I thought that a healthy lifestyle is simply not for me.
However, I felt there was something more I am missing.
My curiosity about this topic kept on growing, so I decided to look and research further.
I started understanding how the body works, what foods help the body thrive, and how important is my diet, not only for my appearance but the great impact it has on different aspects of my life.
Healthy eating is for everyone and this became my mission.
I discovered that healthy eating is not only salads. Healthy eating is not boring at all.
I discovered that I do not have to do endless hours of cardio. I don’t even have to do any cardio if I don’t want to.
I discovered that healthy does not fit a certain size. It’s more of a feeling.
My passion for healthy eating and living kept on evolving and I am now a certified nutrition coach.
My mission is to show more women that healthy eating and living are for everyone and don’t have to be hard at all.
And that’s how Thrive While Smiling was born.
Thrive While Smiling can help you:
Understand how to eat healthy, move more, choose a healthy mindset, and overall live a healthy lifestyle.
Find advice, guidance, and support on how to achieve your fitness goals
Get nutrition coaching designed so you can achieve your goals without flipping your life upside down.
Contact me.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or advice needed. You can do it either through the form on the right, or just send an email to:

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