Fat Loss Hacks and Why They Don't Work
Green tea detox, juice cleanse diet, 1200 calorie meal plan, fat burning pills, overnight weight loss. Just name it.
All fat loss hacks claim you can lose weight easy, for no time, with no effort. And that’s why they don’t work.
I’m so sorry to give you the breaking news. There is no magical solution when it comes to losing weight.
When you aim for good results, you have to put in some effort.
By the end of this article, you’ll understand why fat loss hacks don’t work, how to stay away from them, and how to lose weight the right way.
Without further ado, let’s dive in.
Fat loss hacks and why they don't work
They don’t give you realistic expectations.
How are you supposed to lose 10 lbs overnight? Explain to me how is that even possible?! All you will lose is water. And it will not be 10lbs but way less.
But it might also be dangerous to put your body through this sort of extreme change.
When you want to lose weight, you mostly think about your appearance. However, your health should always be your number one priority.
However, your health should always be your number one priority.
Before you start a diet, regime, hack, or whatever, ask yourself the question: Is this going to harm your health?
They don’t give you sustainable solutions.
Fat loss hacks give you a short-term solution. You may succeed in losing 20 lbs in a month.
But how long will you be able to sustain this weight?
If you don't eat enough, you’re constantly hungry, and thinking about food, it won’t be for too long.
Sometimes you want to lose weight for a specific event or date. You’re short on time, and that’s why you use fat loss hacks.
Instead of looking for hacks, try to plan ahead of time.
And if you can’t look perfect for this event, is it the end of the world? Will your weight define you and the way you feel? Of course not.
You’re much more than just a number. You’re an incredible human being who deserves the best things in life.
So, repeat this after me: My weight doesn’t define me.
There’s no magical pill.
We all want to drink a pill once a day and forget about our weight problems.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work this way.
When you want to keep something in your life, you need to work for it. It doesn’t have to be a struggle. Make some efforts, and results will show up.
How to recognize fat loss hacks?
Fat loss hacks have common characteristics.
They promise you spectacular results.
Flat tummy with no exercise.
How is this even possible?! It just sounds too good to be true, maybe because it is not.
They promise you spectacular results in no time.
Lose weight overnight. Lose 20lbs for a week.
Get rid of the stubborn belly fat for seven days.
If this is not the first time you're trying to lose weight, you know that can’t be true.
There is no magic formula you haven’t heard of. There are only tricks that try to take your money.
They make you change your lifestyle upside down.
Juice 3 days cleanse: don’t consume anything else but juice.
How do you go to work, take care of your family, and keep everything regular, if you don’t eat for three days? It is such a significant change.
Look for solutions you can do in your everyday life.
How to stay away from fat loss hacks?
Everyone today is in a hurry. You want fast results too, but you can’t lose weight overnight.
When you think of changing your body, ask yourself how long it took you to gain weight. I’m sure it wasn’t overnight.
So it will take you some time to get back in the shape you desire.
It’s tempting to think you can lose your belly fat in 7 days without exercising. All you need to do is drink some pills.
If it is that simple, personal trainers and health coaches would lose their jobs.
Everyone can photoshop photos of clients to prove their product. Before you buy a program, pills, or any other magic weight-loss tool, ask yourself:
Whether it sounds realistic.
Whether you can do it in your everyday life.
Whether it’s good for your health.
Whether it sounds like a long-term solution.
What you want in your life is sustainability - hacks don’t give you this.
What to do instead when you want to lose weight?
Don’t look for magical formulas.
There are none.
There’s hard work, mindful choices, nutritious meals, and the right mindset.
Look for something you can do in your everyday life.
If you can stay consistent with something, it’s likely to become part of your lifestyle.
Practice patience.
No change happens overnight. You neither gain weight nor lose it overnight.
Look for sustainable solutions.
You don’t want to lose weight and gain it back after quitting a diet. Ideally, you can look to lifestyle changes that improve your life overall.
Losing weight might not only enhance your look but your mood and health too.
Measure your progress.
Using the right tools and techniques to measure your progress can motivate you.
Keep yourself accountable.
Writing down your goals and making a promise to yourself stimulates you to show up and put in the work.
Your weight doesn’t define you.
You’re a beautiful and inspiring human being.
Don’t put yourself through magical solutions. They only harm your physical and mental health.
Look for sustainable solutions that will improve your life overall.
I hope this article motivated you to keep going with your fitness journey with more confidence.
Also, let me know about your fitness struggles in the comments below or fill out my survey. Once I know what bothers you, I will put an end to it.
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