19 Intuitive Eating Quotes: Build a Powerful Anti-Diet Mindset
Intuitive eating seems pretty unclear and strongly individual, especially when you’re a beginner.
Come back to this article when you look for motivation to continue with your intuitive eating journey.
I’ve gathered the most inspirational intuitive eating quotes to help you keep going.
Besides intuitive eating, you’ll find anti-diet culture quotes. Don't forget why diet culture is toxic for your body and mind.
Without further ado, let’s dive into it.
Motivational Intuitive Eating Quotes
“It takes time and patience to unlearn years of dieting and to fully embrace and respect your body.”
When you start something new, remember: you’ll need time to break your old habits. The same goes for intuitive eating too.
If you find yourself after years of following different diets, it will be very challenging to switch your whole mindset around food.
Be patient with yourself and take all the time you need.
A great practice to work on your new beliefs is to start journaling and writing affirmations. Repeating the new ideas you want to perceive speeds up the process.
“Mindful eating is about awareness. When you eat mindfully, you slow down, pay attention to the food you’re eating, and savor every bite.”
Intuitive eating helps you tune into your body. It lets you enjoy your food more.
Suddenly, you don’t think when you will be able to eat ice cream again. So you don’t have to eat as much as possible of it. You savor the taste.
Food becomes more delicious and doesn’t feel scarce.
Also, intuitive eating helps tune into your hunger cues.
Most people don’t know when to stop eating and usually feel heavy and stuffed.
You understand how much food you need to feel satiated and full by tuning into your hunger cues.
Understanding your body is one of the many benefits of intuitive eating.
“Learning to eat intuitively neutralizes foods so there are no “good” or “bad” foods.”
Diets usually label certain foods as good or bad. And different diets have different rules about which foods fall into those groups.
However, intuitive eating helps you drop the belief that foods have labels.
There are no banned foods. You’re in charge of what to eat for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
You might think you won't control yourself - you will choose only high-calorie, high-fat foods.
However, intuitive eating lets you understand your body and its needs. I can guarantee you: your body needs much more than junk food.
Once you learn to trust it, you will accomplish food freedom.
And while on some days you will choose a high-nutrient meal, on others, pizza will still be a great choice.
“Through this tool of intuitive eating, we can unlearn diet culture. We can get back to a place of body trust and turn inward”
Intuitive eating is about listening to your body and giving it what it needs.
It helps you stop thinking about what society or media says about certain foods.
Intuitive eating is the tool that builds the connection between your mind and body.
Your body knows what it needs to thrive. All you need to do is to start understanding it through your mind.
Anti-Diet Culture Quotes
Intuitive eating and diet culture are two opposites.
Diet culture is all about following restrictive rules. On the other hand, intuitive eating means listening to your body and giving it what it needs.
I can’t discuss intuitive eating quotes without mentioning anti-diet culture ones.
Here are my favorite anti-diet culture quotes to help you quit the endless yo-yo cycle and finally achieve food freedom.
“Guilt has no place when it comes to eating.”
Diet culture forbids you from eating certain foods or even entire food groups (carbs, I’m looking at you).
When you fail to follow those rules, you feel guilty for being weak or lacking willpower.
As Evelyn Tribole, the author of Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works, said: guilt has no place when it comes to eating.
You should not feel ashamed of your food choices.
Your nutrition, diet, and well-being are life-long projects. You can’t screw them up by eating a slice of pizza.
It all comes down to understanding your body better. Also, don’t forget that food is just one part of life, not your whole life.
“There’s this beautiful thing that happens when you give up diet culture: You finally have the space to learn more about yourself.”
This quote is one of my favorites. It describes diet culture and intuitive eating in a precise way.
You finally start understanding what your body needs when you stop following numerous rules.
Like everything else, it does take time and practice. But with the right tools and guidance, you can achieve food freedom.
“I’m not going to sacrifice my mental health to have the perfect body.”
Diet culture is responsible for so many eating disorders. It’s mindblowing how your mindset can shift when you listen to all the noise around you.
You don’t have to sacrifice your mental health to have the perfect body.
Your body is already perfect. It keeps you alive. Appreciate everything it does for you.
“Our bodies are not meant to cut out food groups.”
Diet culture has followed so many trends throughout the years.
The first enemy was fat. You might have gone crazy eating only low-calorie and low-fat foods a few years ago.
At the same time, the Italians and the Greeks eat a ton of cheese, dough, olives, and olive oil while maintaining a healthy body and diet.
If fats are so bad for you, how are some people eating them and still looking and feeling good?
It’s simple - fats are not the enemy, carbs are not the enemy.
There’s a reason why there are three main macronutrients - they are all essential.
Cutting out an entire food group from your diet can only stress your body, not help it.
“Our bodies are not the problem. Diet culture is the problem.”
Your body is already perfect. There’s nothing wrong with having a belly or cellulite.
Five hundred years ago, people had bellies and cellulite. But they did not care. It didn’t make them feel ugly.
You feel cellulite makes you look fat because you look at magazine covers and photos where women don’t have it.
Well, they might have it. It’s just photoshopped, so you don’t see it.
Don’t trust everything the mass and social media show you. And most importantly, don’t let anyone make you believe that your self-worth comes from the size of your body.
“For women, we’re taught to eat less until we disappear. And trained to believe that if you don’t look like everyone else, then you’re unlovable. I think it’s good to see somebody saying: I have a belly. And I have cellulite. And I still deserve love.”
Unfortunately, we live in a society where being different is hard.
Mass and social media set beauty standards. And if you don’t follow them, then you’re not beautiful.
Beauty is much more than your outer look. In a society where beauty standards change often, choose the inner world.
“When you rigidly limit the amount of food you are allowed to eat, it usually sets you up to crave larger quantities of that very food.”
Diet culture is the main reason why you binge eat.
When you limit a specific food, your mind perceives it as irresistible. So when you finally have it, you can’t stop eating.
Then you find yourself overeating, feeling guilty about your behavior, and setting even more restrictions. Then the whole process repeats.
Understand that there are no off-limits foods. There are no “bad” foods. Your perception of food changes when you perceive this new intuitive eating mindset.
“At the end of your life, people don’t remember your weight but what you were like as a person.”
This quote is so powerful. It goes for the idea that your self-worth doesn’t come from your body size and weight.
Your friends, family, and closest people won’t remember and say things about you like: She weighed so less her whole life.
They will say: She had such a good and kind heart. She filled my life with love and meaning.
At the end of the day, your weight is just a number. You choose what to do with this number: will you let it control your life or focus on what matters?
My Tweets
After reading many inspiring intuitive eating and anti-diet quotes, I wanted to contribute to the topic.
Here are my best quotes (tweets) about intuitive eating and diet culture.
Your weight is just a number. It doesn’t represent your full progress.
How much have your habits changed? Are you more confident? Are you comfortable with training at the gym? Do you like how your bum looks in your new jeans?
Focus on the metrics that matter.
We live in an era where the size of your clothes defines your self-worth.
If you hate the journey to a healthier you, that isn’t healthy.
Think of improving your physical health in a way that’s healthy for your mental health.
Don’t chase a number on the scale.
Chase higher levels of energy.
Chase waking up with a smile on your face.
Chase the excitement of feeling good in your skin.
Don’t let one constantly fluctuating number determine the quality of your life.
Don’t let fitness gurus dictate your self-worth.
You matter even
if you don’t have a six-pack
if you still haven’t reached your goal weight
if you don’t have a Kim Kardashian size bum
Your self-worth is defined from within.
Your body is not meant to fit clothes. Clothes are meant to fit your body.
If some of those tweets resonate with you, follow me on Twitter, where I post daily about health, nutrition, and living a better life.
Intuitive Eating FAQ
I feel like intuitive eating has gained popularity in the last few years.
However, I’ve seen many different interpretations of it. Also, many fitness influencers use it as a marketing tool to make more sales.
So here’s all you need to know about intuitive eating.
What is the concept of intuitive eating?
Intuitive eating is the opposite of diet culture.
Instead of following numerous rules about what, when, or where to eat, you listen only to your body.
After many years of following diets, it may be hard at first. You’ve probably lost your sense to tune into your body.
However, you can relearn this ability as every person had it as a child.
A great starting point is having a journal and writing about how you feel after eating certain foods. Do you feel stuffed? Are you still hungry? Was it delicious? Did you like the texture of the food? Mention everything you notice.
Also, try to eat slower when you can. It will help you recognize when you’re full and satisfied without overeating.
Is intuitive eating a mindset?
Yes and no.
It’s a mindset because you let go of everything you’ve heard so far from the media about food. You have to build the ability to mute the noise. It requires mental work.
Also, if you’ve been dieting for years, you should drop the ideas that your self-worth comes from your body size.
On the other hand, no, intuitive eating is not only a mindset. It’s a lifestyle.
Intuitive eating is the way you think and behave around food. It’s about not feeling anxious while eating what your body needs.
Intuitive eating is the shortest way to finding food freedom.
Does intuitive eating actually work?
In my opinion, intuitive eating is one of the best eating concepts.
Educate yourself on the fundamentals of nutrition and well-being to fully embrace and understand intuitive eating.
Intuitive eating is much more than eating whatever you want as much as possible.
It comes down to understanding what your body needs, when you’re hungry, when you can not finish your meal and when you can eat two meals.
If you want to truly understand and embrace intuitive eating, it’s best to work with a nutritionist or nutrition coach for the best results.
What results can you expect from intuitive eating?
After spending enough time understanding and practicing intuitive eating, the results you can get are up to you.
You can lose weight or build muscle with intuitive eating. You may have to follow some basic guidelines, but it all comes with understanding the nutrition fundamentals.
When you become an intuitive eater, you prioritize healthy options while building balance in your diet. It’s easy to maintain your weight once you master intuitive eating.
Final Thoughts
Intuitive eating is a way of eating that is personal for everyone.
In the beginning, it’s hard to stick to it while letting go of your previous beliefs around food.
That’s why following people that eat intuitively or read inspiring intuitive eating quotes help you understand it in more depth.
Those stories motivate you to keep on going with your nutrition journey.
Once you understand what your body needs, food choices don’t seem hard at all.
Food is not even something you crave or think about. It comes naturally.
If you feel lost in the nutrition world and need guidance to live your healthiest and happiest life, check out my 1:1 coaching. I can’t wait to help you build a healthy lifestyle you can stick to daily.
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In the protein cheat sheet, you will find 20+ high-protein foods, meal ideas, and tips on how to eat more protein. Healthy eating won't be so hard.
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Comment below: what other guide do you need to feel more confident in your health journey and accomplish your goals?
If you enjoy short and handy nutrition and wellness tips, give me a follow on Instagram. I share my perspective on how to ditch the diet culture, make healthy eating easy, and build wellness habits.
I hope this article motivated you to keep on going with your wellness journey with more confidence.
Until next time.
- Mariya
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