Which One is Better: Smoothie or Juice
If you want to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet, a great way is through your drinks. Let’s dig deep and see which healthy drink is better for you: smoothie or juice.
You will also understand why the one is better than the other.
You may be thinking: “I already drink plenty of juice, it supports my health goals 100%.”
Well, no, my friend. Juice is not the healthiest source of fruit you can consume, especially if you want to lose weight.
Stick till the end of the article to learn the difference between smoothie and juice, and which one is better depending on your fitness goals.
What is a smoothie?
A smoothie is a blended drink. Usually has a variety of fruits like bananas, berries, mango, peaches, etc. You can add any fruit you like to it.
The best part - you can use frozen fruit. It makes the smoothie a great budget-friendly option.
You also have to add liquid to your smoothie. Today’s most popular options are dairy-free. Add almond, oat, or any other dairy-free milk.
You can also make a smoothie with coconut water or just plain water.
It is all up to your taste preference, healthy goals, and, honestly, what you have in the fridge.
How can you make a smoothie a satisfying and satiating meal/ snack?
Boost the nutrition factors by adding some protein to your smoothie. Add greek yogurt or protein powder (why not both?!).
One of my favorite protein powders sold on Amazon is Naked. The brand is very transparent about the ingredients they put in.
By adding protein to a smoothie, you make it a weight loss-friendly meal.
If you’re struggling to get your five servings of veggies per day, smoothies come in handy again. You can add spinach, carrots, beets.
The best part? You won’t even taste it.
When you blend so many things (fruit, liquid, protein, veggie), the veggie is not a dominant flavor.
Add a spoonful of nut butter or chia/ hemp hearts to a smoothie to make it perfect. Healthy fats are a significant part of a well-balanced diet.
If you need ideas on making a balanced smoothie, read my top 3 recipes in the healthy snacks article.
Okay, so how is juice different from a smoothie?
It’s fruits and vegetables squeezed together without adding an excessive amount of calories (like non-dairy milk, protein, or fats)? Isn’t juice better?
Correct! But here is the thing. Theoretically, the juice is just fruits and veggies.
However, by juicing them, you remove the fiber.
And all you’re left with is sugar.
Don’t get me wrong. You can still enjoy your favorite morning glass of orange juice, especially if it’s freshly squeezed.
See, the best part about fruits and veggies is the fiber and vitamins you get from them.
For example, when you press an orange, you separate the juice from the pulp (fiber).
When you make a smoothie, you blend the whole fruit or the whole vegetable. You don’t lose their vital nutrients.
That’s one of the reasons why smoothies are better than juices.
If your goal is to lose weight, you don’t want excessive calories. You want meals that are highly satiating, nutritious, and delicious.
All you can find in juice is sugar (carbohydrates) which will give you a quick rush of energy for a few minutes.
But if you want to have a nutritious-dense snack or meal, choose the smoothie.
You can add protein (from greek yogurt or protein powder), fiber (from fruits and vegetables), and some healthy fat for satiety (nut butter or seeds).
Another point for the smoothies.
When you drink juice, you accidentally have more fruit, aka you consume more sugar.
When you want to make a glass of OJ, you will squeeze at least 2 or 3 oranges. You skip the fiber, but you also consume much more fructose.
If you sit and eat an orange, I’m more than sure you will be okay with just one. Mostly two. But by eating, you’ll consume the so important fiber too.
And that, folks, is a clear win for smoothies.
When you plan your meals, smoothies are a great nutrient-dense option. They are easy, convenient, and can make them on the go.
Just be careful when buying a smoothie from a store.
Many stores make their smoothies with juice or concentrate. Some add ice cream or extra sugar. Just so the smoothie can taste better, and it’s cheaper for the seller.
Whenever you can, make your smoothie at home. This way, you know it has only high-quality ingredients.
Even though the smoothie is the outstanding winner, it doesn’t mean you have to stop drinking juice.
Juices are so delicious. Just be mindful, be careful with the quantities.
Another thing to keep in mind is your current health or fitness goal. If you want to lose weight, smoothies are a nutrient-dense meal option.
Find the balance that works best for you.
If you still search for your secret formula, don’t stop experimenting.
It’s fun to try new things and explore with your taste buds.
I hope this article motivated you to keep going with your fitness journey with more confidence.
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