7 Best Gym Workout Tips for Beginners
Are you just beginning your fitness journey? Do you feel lost in the gym? Worry no more.
My 7 best gym workout tips for beginners will give you the perfect head-start you need to have a sweaty session.
When you start something new, it’s always a tad intimidating.
You feel like everyone else in the gym knows what they do. They look good, and their fitness journey seems effortless.
Believe me when I say they’ve been in your shoes. I’ve been in your shoes.
And I want you to stop feeling insecure. I’m giving you my 7 best gym workout tips I wish I had when I began my fitness journey.
Why is it so hard to start working out at the gym?
As I said, every beginning is intimidating. Most people around you look so confident.
However, confidence comes with practice, and gym workouts are no exception.
There will be many new things for you at the gym.
You can set yourself up for success with proper preparation.
7 Best gym workout tips that will make you feel (and look!) like a pro
First and foremost, always remember that your inner world reflects on your outer look. If you feel motivated, curious to learn, and confident, that’s how you’ll look on the outside.
Have a clear goal and why
Having a clear goal helps you choose the best workouts, which will give you your dream results. Be completely honest with yourself.
Is your goal to learn some basic exercises and see how the gym workouts affect your body? Great. Now you know what exercises to pick.
Also, figure out what your why is. Or maybe there’s more than one. Try to think of a meaningful reason rather than something general.
For example, your why might be to tone up. But this is too broad. There is no emotional reason behind it.
A more concrete reason is to build more confidence.
Your fitness journey is like a roller-coaster. It has its ups and downs.
And please, be prepared for the moments you won’t have the motivation and the ones when you want to quit.
Remember, there’s no better moment to start working out than now.
Setting a goal will help you choose the best exercises for you. But having a clear why is the reason why you won’t give up, and keep on pushing.
Make a plan
I have an entire article on coming up with a plan for kick-start at the gym. Give it a read if you want some extra information on this point.
In general, you need to plan how often you’ll work out, your exercises, how many days per week you’ll work out. Also, you can decide whether you want to work out with a coach, app, or by yourself.
Plan all the things that make you feel intimidated when you go to the gym.
Understand what bothers you, add a structure to your workout, and you will soon stop feeling like a beginner.
If you ever need some help on how to plan a workout, send me an email at thrivewithmarya@gmail.com. I’m more than happy to help you out.
Have the essentials
Planning a glute band warm-up is a great way to start your lower body session. But first, you have to get the glute bands, right?
After you plan your workouts and the exercises you’ll do, get the essentials you’ll need to perform those exercises.
When you work out at a gym, you can find most of the stuff there.
Some of the things you won’t find but you may need are glute bands, lifting straps (gloves), headphones, water bottle.
You can also look at the list of workout essentials that guarantee you a sweaty session every time.
Let me know in the comments: what’s your most essential gym accessory for a successful workout?
I know mine is headphones. I’d feel lost without them. And a cute workout set.
Work out with a program.
When you’re a beginner, you want to try many different things. And that’s great. Never stop being curious.
But you can’t expect to achieve your goal without being consistent with a workout program for a while. You’ll know whether something’s working for you or not at least in a month.
For example, if you want to grow your glutes, focus on the same lower body session for four weeks.
You can’t expect significant results or increased strength if you do different exercises every time. You have to build a structure.
Even when you don’t decide to hire a coach or invest in a mobile app, try to be consistent. You can look for some fitness influencers on Instagram you like.
Save some of their sessions for different workouts or different workout splits, and do those workouts for at least four weeks in a row.
If you need some workout inspiration, follow me on Instagram. I post fitness workouts, nutrition tips, and mindset advice. Come, join my little community.
Research how to do the exercises before you go to the gym
When you’re at the gym and try to do a new exercise, you're often insecure. You’ve never done it before.
Instead of feeling this way and eventually quitting, research some information at home.
Google the exercise(s) you want to do. There’re so many articles, photos, and videos on how to do every movement you can think about.
Use this information to set yourself up for success. When you try to do the exercise at the gym, you’ll be much more prepared and likely to do it properly.
Confidence comes with practice.
Nobody gains a specific skill overnight. It usually takes a decent amount of time to become experienced and confident at something.
Give yourself time. Here's another reason why you should be persistent with a program. You become more confident with how to do an exercise each week.
Once learning new things becomes a habit, you’ll realize there’s no reason to feel insecure.
You’ll gain confidence along the way. Just don’t stop practicing.
Therefore, this leads me to my last tip.
Don’t quit
Every time you want to quit or lack motivation, go to step one. Go to your why, and remind yourself of the reasons you started in the first place.
Be patient with your progress and journey. Celebrate the small victories.
When you reach your goal, you’ll know the hard work paid off.
But the journey is what brought you to your destination. Enjoy it, and don’t forget it’s worth it.
You’re worth it.
I hope this article motivated you to keep going with your fitness journey with more confidence.
Also, let me know about your fitness struggles in the comments below or fill out my survey. Once I know what bothers you, I will put an end to it.
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