63 Powerful Morning Affirmations for a Strong Start of Your Day
Do you have those days when you wake up, and just don’t feel like your best version? It happens to the best of us.
But there’s a quick way to shift your perspective and set yourself up for a great way.
Saying powerful morning affirmations can completely change your mood and the course of your day.
Starting on a positive note can be the shift in your day you needed.
63 Powerful morning affirmations
Not every morning is the same.
Some days you just wake up, ready to conquer the world. Others, you want to sleep in for another hour or two.
And there are those days when you don’t feel like doing anything.
You don’t wake up every day with the intention to conquer the world. But there are small steps you can take to shift that feeling.
One of the easiest ways, which is also time-efficient, is to say or write morning affirmations. They will help you step into your power. This way, you can show the world your full potential.
Here are some ideas for powerful morning affirmations. You can choose some of the lists below or come up with your own.
Affirmations for Success
Set yourself up for a successful day.
I always attract abundance and prosperity.
I am successful in everything I do.
I know that the best time is now.
I am capable.
I attract what I desire.
My success is closer than I could imagine.
What is meant for me will not pass by me.
I believe in myself and the person I am becoming.
The Universe is filled with endless opportunities for me.
I pursue and achieve my goals with passion and determination.
Affirmations for Positive Energy
11. Like attracts like. Today I choose positivity.
12. A smile gives more opportunities.
13. I am always guided.
14. I am always supported
15. My desires desire me.
16. My thoughts are just thoughts, and I can change them.
17. Today I will approach people with a smile.
18. My life brings me joy every day.
Affirmations for Confidence
19. I decided to be the person who went for it.
20. I am stepping to the next level.
21. I already have everything that I need to live my best life.
22. I feel fear, but I decide to go for my dreams anyway.
23. I am creating the life that I desire.
24. I already have everything I need in me to be the best version of myself.
Affirmations for Gratitude
Even when you want to change something in your life, be grateful for where you’re currently.
25. I am grateful for everything I have.
26. I am grateful for being here.
27. I am grateful for another day.
28. I am grateful for the opportunities I have every day.
29. I am grateful for moving and nourishing my body.
30. I am grateful to have a place to live in.
31. I am grateful for the life I have.
32. I start my day with gratitude for all the blessings I already have.
33. Gratitude helps me realize and appreciate everything I already have.
Affirmations for New Beginnings
34. I start everything with a positive mindset.
35. Whatever I start, I finish.
36. A new beginning is a new opportunity.
37. A new beginning is a blank page. I decide what to write on it.
38. Today is the first chapter of my new journey.
Affirmations for Health, Fitness, and Nutrition
Taking care of your body and mind is the biggest favor you can do for your future self.
39. I am always taking care of my mental and physical health.
40. I am moving my body in a way that feels good to me.
41. I am nourishing my body with nutritious and delicious food.
42. My body helps me move, breathe, and live. I am grateful for this body.
43. My body is my temple. I give my body the care and love it needs and deserves.
Affirmations for Relationships
Choose the people that are by your side. Cherish them and make sure they do the same for you.
44. I attract people who share similar values to mine.
45. I am caring and giving. Those are the people that come into my life.
46. I deserve to be treated well.
47. In my relationships, I give, and I receive a lot.
48. Every day I receive support and love from my closest people.
Affirmations for Financial Success
49. Money comes easily to me.
50. Making money is easy.
51. Money comes to me when I need it.
52. I easily turn my skills into profit.
53. Abundance lets me live my best life.
54. My finances are improving every day.
55. I make good financial decisions.
Affirmations for Self-Love
Accept both your strengths and flaws. There is only one of you.
56. I am always enough.
57. I am exactly where I need to be, and I am doing my best.
58. I can do anything I set my mind to do.
59. My desires are always valid.
60. I am capable of creating the life of my dreams.
61. The only approval I need is my own.
62. I love myself for who I am today.
63. Everything is happening for my higher good.
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are usually short sentences that help you step into your power and remind you of everything you already have.
In today's busy world, you tend to forget about all the great things you have now.
You usually get so obsessed with the goals you’re pursuing.
Don’t get me wrong. Having goals and fighting to achieve them is fantastic.
However, on your way, don’t forget about all the great stuff, whether material or nonmaterial, you already have.
Appreciate your blessings every day.
The process of saying or writing affirmations helps you realize how much you already have and what you have achieved already and sets you in the mood to pursue even more.
Also, affirmations remind you that you already have everything to achieve your goals. You have all the ideas, all the tools to attract success.
What’s the purpose of morning affirmations?
As I already mentioned, you don’t wake up in the best mood every day. But every day is a new opportunity to prove yourself, continue from where you stopped, and pursue your goals.
Not every day is going to be your best day but every day has the potential to be a better one. It’s up to you.
Morning affirmations help you step into that power and owe the day.
Reminding yourself how much you’ve already achieved and what you’re capable of gives you courage and helps you make the most of your day.
How to start saying or writing morning affirmations and be consistent?
Like everything else, writing affirmations once and expecting you’ll be in the best mood every day is not the way to go.
For something to work, you have to be consistent.
Choose morning affirmations that truly resonate with you, your goals, and your visions. Don’t say or write something just because you feel you have to.
There are no rules when it comes to affirmations. Say the ones that feel right at the moment.
There’ll be some mornings that you won’t be in the mood for affirmations. And that’s okay, too.
Trust your gut and make affirmations a tool to help you get and feel better, not another obligation.
Write affirmations that relate to your current situation, goals, mindset.
What’s working with affirmations is sticking to the ones you connect with.
And it’s normal when those affirmations change over time. You constantly change.
If affirmations are something new to you, take it slow.
While you’re still at home, grab a pen and a piece of paper and write 1-3 affirmations you’re resonating with today.
Get consistent and comfortable writing them. After that, try saying affirmations in the mirror. It will be strange in the beginning, but it is so empowering.
After a while, you will see the difference in your mood. You will also be able to shift from one perspective to another.
Comment below, have you used affirmations before, and do you think they help you?
I started writing affirmations around six months ago. I notice a significant difference in the way I perceive myself. I have reduced judgment and am much more realistic and productive.
Affirmation resources
If you still feel insecure saying or writing affirmations, listen to some.
Here is my favorite YouTube video. You can listen to many affirmations, choose those you resonate with, and start writing them.
If you want to raise your vibration without using any technology, get this affirmation cards deck.
The cards are so beautiful and will help you set yourself up for a great day.
Simply leave the deck on your nightstand and grab a card every morning after you wake up. You can also use my code ‘MARIYA’ for 10% off your order.
Find what puts you in a mood and helps you raise your vibe from the morning.
Powerful morning affirmations are a great way to start your day on a positive note. Remember that every day is a new opportunity, a new chance. Try to make the most out of it.
Imagine if a simple sentence, repeated daily, can motivate you to take action and change your life.
I hope this article motivated you to keep going with your wellness journey with more confidence.
Also, let me know about your nutrition and wellness struggles in the comments below or fill out my survey. Once I know what bothers you, I will put an end to it.
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