How Long Does It Take to Lose 30 Pounds: The Ultimate Guide
Losing weight is one of the most popular health and fitness goals. Weight loss has its benefits like a better outer look, higher confidence, higher levels of energy, and improved health.
How long does it take to lose 30 pounds safely and sustainably?
Everyone is trying to find the magic formula for easy and quick weight loss. Fat loss tips like a juice cleanse, green tea detox, and lemon water trick you into thinking there’s a shortcut.
Save the guide for weight loss reference.
However, losing 30 lbs is not impossible, but it's not easy. To avoid stressing your body and mind, a healthy guideline for weight loss is about 1-2 pounds per week.
A safe amount of time to lose 30 lbs is about 30 weeks.
So, what should you do when you want to lose 30 lbs safely and sustainably?
Calorie deficit
To start losing weight, you should be in a calorie deficit.
It’s not as scary as it sounds. A calorie deficit means burning more calories than you’re eating or drinking.
A great practice is to keep a food journal. You can write everything you eat for a day.
This way, you can keep yourself accountable and be aware of any changes.
One of the best ways to make sure you burn more calories is to add more exercise and movement to your day.
Add movement to your everyday life. Movement is more than exercising.
You can do various types of movement or workouts to lose weight. If you want to be consistent, find the ones you like and stick to them.
Types of exercises
Resistance training
Resistance or strength training is efficient when you want to lose 30 lbs and look better. It helps you not burn the fat but also build muscle.
You can train different muscle groups (glutes, chest, back, etc.) or stick to full body days (push-pull split).
Many people think that to lose weight you need to do an excessive amount of cardio. Running one hour a day or doing the step master for 90 minutes is not bad for you.
But let’s make this clear: cardio is not the only way to lose weight.
If you like running or doing cardio at the gym, do it. Incorporate a healthy mix of different activities into your day. Observe which one you enjoy or can easily add to your routine.
Group workouts
Group workouts are a great way to explore something new if you’re still trying to figure out what is your favorite type of exercising.
Group workouts add diversity to your routine. Also, you feel more accountable when working out in a group.
Group workouts add diversity to your current workout routine.
Movement beyond workouts
Even though movement includes exercising, it’s much more than just that.
Adding more movement to your day may look like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, going on walks, parking away from the entrance to get a few extra steps, cleaning the house, etc.
Even if you don’t have time to hit the gym five times per week, incorporate more movement into your day.
So the first step is to make sure you burn more calories than you eat. The easiest way is to add more movement to your day. The second step is to work on your nutrition and food choices.
Focus on adding foods to your diet, not removing them.
As strange as it may seem, a successful way to weight loss is to start adding more to your diet.
You might think dieting is about restricting yourself and removing your favorite foods from your nutrition.
A much more successful approach to dieting is adding more foods to your diet and maybe doing a few healthy swaps here and there.
You don’t feel limited to certain foods. And you can also observe how better food choices make you feel.
After a while, you will start taking those better choices yourself, without feeling obligated or even thinking about it.
Eat more whole foods.
Whole foods are simple foods that have only one ingredient - carrots, spinach, chicken, tofu, potatoes, etc. They give your body the macro and micronutrients it needs.
Add a healthy mix of whole foods to your diet.
Whole foods usually keep you satiated for longer.
Also, they are harder to chew. For example, compare carrots to chips. You have to eat them slower. They also help you tune into your hunger cues. This way, you understand when you’re full.
The first step to improving your diet is adding more whole foods.
Eat more protein
Protein is one of the three main macronutrients. It is crucial both when you want to lose weight or build muscle.
Protein-dense foods are lower in calories but keep you satiated for longer. Also, protein helps you build muscle, which means you can burn more calories.
Try to add protein-rich food at every meal, including snacks.
Sometimes it can be hard to think of different protein sources for every meal. That’s why I made this protein cheatsheet for you. It will help you whenever you run out of meal ideas.
Eat more vegetables
Vegetables give you all of the micronutrients (vitamins + minerals) your body needs to thrive.
Vegetables give you the micronutrients you need and keep you full for longer.
They are also high in fiber and water, which helps to keep you full and satiated.
Try to eat 3-5 portions of veggies per day. Make a list of the vegetables you like. Make sure you know how to prepare them and add them to your meals.
Eat more slow-digesting high-fiber carbohydrates.
Slow digesting and high-fiber carbohydrates give you long-lasting energy. It means that they will keep you satiated for longer.
Make a list of high-fiber carbohydrates. Pick your favorite ones, and include them in your menu.
Eat more healthy fats.
Healthy fats improve your proper body functions, regulate inflammation, and help keep you satiated for longer. Also, healthy fats are a great choice when you want to build more muscle.
Drink more water
Water is vital for your survival and healthier life. Keeping yourself hydrated helps your body absorb nutrients and flush out toxins and waste. It also improves your mood and sleep.
Water is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle.
Try to drink a good amount of water daily and avoid drinks high in sugar (sodas, juices, etc.).
Minimize processed foods
When you want to change your diet, try always to add first. It makes the transition to a better nutrition way easier for your mind.
So after you add more whole foods, protein, vegetables, fiber-rich carbs, healthy fats, and water, try to minimize processed foods.
It does not mean you cannot enjoy them in moderation. But if your goal is to lose 30, 20, or 5 lbs and you want to eat healthier in general, whole foods are the way to go.
Other healthy habits to consider
So, you’re now in a calorie deficit, you move more, and you make better food choices. Here’s what else will help you speed up the process or be consistent.
Set realistic goals
As I already mentioned, a safe amount of time to lose 30 lbs is around 30 weeks. Don’t set unrealistic expectations, then be disappointed after not hitting your dream results.
You didn’t gain weight overnight. Why do you expect to lose it so fast?
Make a plan
After having realistic goals, it’s time to make a plan.
Plan your workouts, meals, make sure you have everything ready for success.
Plan how many times per week you will work out, which days, what your workouts will be, do you have everything you need to start next month, on Monday, tomorrow, or now.
Plan every little detail, even schedule your workouts into your calendar.
Remember: be realistic. Don’t plan to do five workouts when you know you have time only for three.
You’re looking for a long-term strategy that works out in your everyday life.
When it comes to nutrition, plan your meals, make a grocery list, make time to go to the store, prepare your meals in advance, and make nutritious food an easy and convenient choice.
Eat slowly
As a fast eater, I understand how hard this is. But when you want to lose weight, you should be able to tune into your hunger cues and stop once you’re full, not stuffed.
A great practice is to take a breath after every bite. Also, try to eat without distractions like television, working, driving, or scrolling on social media.
What you want to focus on at the moment of eating is only your meal.
Use a food journal
Having a food and fitness journal and writing your goals and intentions keeps you accountable. You promise yourself and set for a change.
In a food journal, write what you eat for the day, be realistic with yourself, and notice and observe your hunger cues and behaviors.
For example, you might notice that when you don’t eat enough throughout the day, you have sugar cravings at night.
A food and fitness journal helps you understand your behavior around food. It is also proof that you can set a goal, go for it, and achieve it.
Prioritize sleep
Recovery and sleep are essential for weight loss success.
Sleep is another crucial element of healthy living, and it supports your weight loss journey. Sleep regulates your hormones, immunity, and energy balance and is also responsible for your appetite.
Luckily, there are many natural ways to improve your sleep. Take small daily actions for long-term results.
Reduce stress
Stress is a significant factor when it comes to weight gain.
Sometimes you eat because you are under a lot of pressure from work, keeping everyone happy at home, or balancing different aspects of life.
And while stressful situations are not always under your control, how you react to them and what you purposely do to overcome them, is.
Find the practices that help you cope with stress and add them to your day.
Learn how to raise your vibration, start your day on a positive note, or reduce the stress at your workplace.
Don’t fall for quick fixes.
I know that the diet that promises to lose 20 lbs for a month is tempting. Or that you can lose 10 lbs for a week after a lemon water detox.
Quick fixes are tempting but not a decision for long-term weight loss.
Whatever the trend is today, it will be tempting. But it will not deliver you the results you want.
Quick fixes give you unrealistic expectations achieved through unreasonable methods.
They also don’t offer you sustainable solutions. Even if you manage to eat 1200 calories for two months, once you go back to your regular calories, you will gain the same weight.
What you need are lifestyle changes. You have to build habits that will help you lose those 30 lbs without gaining them back while feeling healthier and happier than before.
Healthy living is not hard, and it’s for absolutely everyone. Don’t let diet culture convince you otherwise.
Set your environment for success
Your surroundings have a vast impact on your decisions. It’s great to set an environment that supports your current goals and values.
Often you end up eating the cookies on the counter not because you’re hungry but because they’re in front of your eyes.
Instead of cookies, leave a protein bar on the counter, a jar with overnight oats in the fridge, a healthy snack in your bag.
Surround yourself with the choices you want to make towards your better self.
Get support.
As I mentioned, your environment impacts your choices. So do the people around you. Ask your friends and family and find people that support your goals and ambitions.
Losing 30 lbs or any amount of weight is hard.
Setting yourself to change your lifestyle to a healthy one is hard.
If you need support along the way, you can count on me. I will be with you at every step of your journey. With the right practices, patience, and accountability, you can become your healthier and happier self.
A weight loss journey is definitely not easy. But if you have a good plan and enough support, you are on the way to success.
Special Diets for Weight Loss
In the dieting world, there are always a few trendy diets everyone swears by. The ketogenic diet, paleo, intermittent fasting, just name it.
There’s nothing wrong to follow a diet if:
It makes you feel better;
It doesn’t limit your food freedom;
It suits your everyday life.
It’s great to follow a diet if it improves your overall life and wellbeing.
But don’t follow a diet because you will lose weight faster, or you heard it’s good, but it feels limiting for you.
Remember: look for solutions for the long run.
Every person is so different.
Everyone thrives on different diets and responds differently to them. If someone managed to lose weight and feel great on a ketogenic diet, that’s amazing.
However, this doesn’t mean it will work for you. And this is fine. This way, you will gain knowledge about your body and preferences.
If a new diet or approach to eating sounds good for you, don’t hesitate to try it.
Experimenting usually brings only positive outcomes. And if it’s not your thing, at least you will know.
But don’t try a new diet trend just because everyone else is doing it.
Be curious and experiment with things that sound good for you and doable in your everyday life. Always look for sustainability and ways to improve your life in the long run.
What to do when you hit a plateau?
During the first few weeks or months of your weight loss journey, you will lose weight faster.
The more you get closer to your dream number, the harder it gets. You might have heard people saying that the last 5 lbs are the hardest to lose.
It’s normal to hit a plateau. Your body has changed. And as you already know, there’s no one diet fits all.
So you need a different approach to those remaining 5 lbs.
When you hit a plateau, you can:
Add more movement to your day
Change up your nutrition plan - focus on high volume and high protein foods.
For best results, work with a nutrition coach to help you choose the best approach for your situation.
How to speed up the process?
Unfortunately, there’s no magic hack to speed up weight loss. It does not happen overnight.
You can’t speed up weight loss but the more consistent you are, the sooner you will see results.
The only thing you can do is be as consistent as possible in building your new habits and being gentle to yourself.
Don’t try to be perfect. Show up for yourself. Take the stairs, work out even for 20 minutes, choose a salad instead of fries with your burger, etc.
Change happens within the small things you do every single day.
You can comment on any questions below or email them to me at I will be happy to help you out.
Is it noticeable to lose 30 lbs?
I would say that it is noticeable to lose 30 lbs. And not only other people will see it and compliment you. You will notice and feel it, too.
It’s not only about your appearance. It’s about your health and the way you feel.
Can you lose X amount of weight in X amount of months?
According to the healthy guidelines, it’s safe to lose 1-2 lbs per week. The faster you implement the above-suggested habits in your day, the quicker you will see results.
However, start with realistic expectations. Don’t focus only on your appearance.
Losing a lot of weight is stressful for your body. Do it safely and steadily, and always think about your health first.
How long does it take to lose 30 lbs on the ketogenic diet or while doing intermittent fasting?
Being on the ketogenic diet or any other diet won’t speed up your process.
Many people see faster success in the first two weeks of the ketogenic diet and think it’s miraculous.
Although, what’s happening is that carbohydrates make your body keep more water. And when you don’t consume carbohydrates, the water is flushed out.
So, what’s happening is you’re losing water, not fat. Water weighs too, but it’s not the weight you want to lose.
If you like and thrive on the ketogenic diet, that’s fantastic - go for it.
But remember that you should be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. You should move more and eat whole foods, protein, veggies, and healthy fats.
The same is valid for intermittent fasting.
Intermittent fasting is eating all your daily calories in one window. Usually, people fast for 16 hours and eat during the remaining 8 hours of the day.
Unless you’re in a calorie deficit, you’re consuming the same amount of calories. Therefore, no magic will happen.
If intermittent fasting works for your schedule, go for it. The principles remain the same as for any other diet.
Losing 30 lbs takes time. During this time, remember to put your health, not your appearance, first.
The more consistent you are, the better.
You don’t have to be perfect simply show up. Do something so that today is better than yesterday.
No matter how many pounds you want to lose, you have to be in a calorie deficit. Implement more movement into your day and prioritize high-quality, nutritious foods.
I hope this article motivated you to keep going with your wellness journey with more confidence.
Also, let me know about your nutrition and wellness struggles in the comments below or fill out my survey. Once I know what bothers you, I will put an end to it.
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