6 Simple Ways to Improve Your Sleep Naturally
Do you sometimes have trouble sleeping? Or do you feel even more exhausted after sleeping? It happens to all of us. But these simple ways will help you improve your sleep naturally.
Learn the small steps you can take to improve your sleep naturally.
It’s so tough to have trouble sleeping.
You go to bed, ready to get the rest you deserve. But your mind has a different opinion. It wonders how many years ago you graduated. Or something similar.
It just doesn’t let you close your eyes and call it a day.
Another problem is when you hear the alarm in the morning, and you still feel like you went to bed an hour ago.
What’s happening? Why you can’t simply have a good-night sleep?!
Most of the time, the reason is stress. Your day is full of errands and tasks you have to finish. Your mind doesn’t take a break.
And when it’s finally time for sleep, your mind doesn’t feel like it.
So, how exactly does the lack of sleep affect you?
Well, when you don’t sleep enough (or good enough) you:
Become less productive;
Struggle to recover;
Get easily irritated;
Become even more stressed;
Feel anxious and overwhelmed;
Don’t act and feel like the best version of yourself.
If you’re constantly lacking sleep, you stop feeling like the best version of yourself.
Good sleep is certainly something you want to have in your life.
Everyone’s environment and lifestyle are pretty busy nowadays. One of the little things you can do for yourself is to take some rest.
Related article: Rest days importance
Then, are there any ways to improve your sleep naturally?
I’m so glad you asked! As I mentioned, sleep is a crucial factor in healthy living.
You should prioritize it and look for more ways to improve it. So, let’s dive in.
6 Simple Ways to Improve Your Sleep Naturally
You’ve already decided to focus on your sleep quality. You can do this with small actions you repeat every day.
Make a sleep ritual.
Compare this ritual to a warm-up before a workout.
Tell your body and mind it’s time to sleep soon. Start preparing for bed 30-60 minutes before actually falling asleep.
Some ideas are to reduce the light, avoid caffeine consumption at least 5 hours before going to bed, try aromatherapy (lavender oil unwinds).
Experiment, find what works for you, and start doing it every night. This way, your body, and mind will know it’s time to sleep soon.
Reduce technology usage before going to bed.
Technology keeps your mind working.
You might be finishing a work task or just scrolling through random TikTok videos. Either way, this can only harm your sleep.
Technology keeps your mind working.
Try to reduce technology usage by at least 30 minutes before going to bed. It might be a struggle in the beginning.
However, once you get used to it, you’ll thank yourself.
You don’t have to be a yoga guru to meditate.
You can simply listen to a meditation to unwind at the end of the day. Some of them are good, so you can indeed fall asleep while listening.
The applications I’ve used and loved are Headspace and Fabulous. Most of the meditations are about 5-12 minutes long. I usually struggle to listen to the complete record and quickly fall asleep.
Another way to meditate is to try breathing techniques to ease your mind. This article suggests some helpful examples you can try.
Journal or say affirmations.
Journaling is a fantastic method to be present and honest with yourself.
Journaling is like talking
(or writing) to your best friend.
You can be completely yourself and vulnerable.
Face today’s challenges, express gratitude for all you have, and write a few affirmations to motivate you for tomorrow.
Another way is to say affirmations for good-night sleep out loud. Some affirmation examples are:
I did the best I could with today’s tasks.
My body and mind deserve to rest.
Today is gone, and I am choosing to let go of all the stress.
I relieve my body and mind of all the stress.
Comment your favorite affirmation for better sleep. Mine is I did the best I could with today’s tasks, and I'm choosing to give my body and mind a rest.
Take a relaxing bubble bath or just a hot shower.
Hot water relaxes the body.
If you have the time and a bathtub, take a hot and relaxing bath an hour before sleep.
Don’t take your phone with you, only your thoughts. Let your mind wander and see where it’ll take you.
Take only your thoughts with you and try to ease your mind.
If you can’t take a bath, get a shower.
Unwind under the hot water. Try to stop thinking about what you did today or have to finish tomorrow.
Be present, and enjoy the relaxing time you deserve.
Plan bedtime and keep a sleep journal
Going to bed at a different time every night can confuse your mind.
Try to be consistent with your bedtime (30 minutes difference is okay). This way, your mind knows it’s already time for sleep and rest.
It’s a great idea to keep a sleep journal. You can keep track of the time you go to sleep, your sleep habits, and whether your sleep is improving.
You might either use a journal or an app. Although, I recommend using the physical journal because, as you already know, it’s good to reduce technology use before going to sleep.
Do you like some of the suggestions, and will you try them? Let me know in the comments.
Sleep is a crucial part of a healthy (and sane) lifestyle. Always try to improve it and get the most out of it.
The better your sleep quality is, the better person you can show up as.
Implement those simple ways, and you’ll surely improve your sleep. They might seem very small and insignificant, but they can do wonders for you.
Remember: Doing a significant change in your life comes from the small steps you take every day.
I hope this article motivated you to keep going with your fitness journey with more confidence.
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