What is the Perfect Workout Length to Get Visible Results
Are you wondering how long you should work out? Here, you’ll find all the answers and learn what’s the perfect workout length to get visible results.
Learn whether the workout length matters and the exercises you can do when you’re short on time.
Everyone is looking for this magical duration to achieve their dream results.
Whether you’re new to the fitness world or have been here for quite some time, you might have a few questions regarding workout length.
I’ve seen influencers on Instagram working out for 2-3 hours a day. They do look great, no doubt about that. But I’m also following people who work out for no more than an hour. And still, look fantastic.
So what’s the secret?
How is it possible that some people spend so much time while others just an hour (or less) and still look great?
Today I’m answering those (and a few more) questions to remove the contradictions behind the workout length.
If you have another question, comment below.
Also, let’s be friends on Instagram. I share fitness and nutrition tips but in a more casual way.
Without further ado, let’s dive into the topic.
What’s the perfect workout length?
Hmm. It depends. Unfortunately, there is no magical number to set the perfect workout duration.
It’s hard to say what’s the perfect workout length because every person has different needs and goals.
And that’s because everyone is different.
However, movement and taking care of your body are great for everyone.
So, the perfect workout length is the one you can stick to consistently.
The amount of time you spend at the gym or working out at home is not crucial. You will get visible results if you stick to a routine.
For example, you can go to the gym five days a week and spend 40 minutes every session. You will get better results than showing up only once per week for 2 hours.
For sure you’ll do more exercises for 2 hours. But not if it’s only once per week.
Choose a workout duration you can consistently stick to.
As always, consistency is what you are seeking.
Your workout length does matter but what matters most is how often you can stick to this duration.
How often should you work out?
Your workouts depend on your goals and realistic availability.
You’re not a professional athlete. You’re a human who tries to live healthier, happier.
Fitness is just one part of your life. Spend as much time as you can.
Just be consistent.
Start with something simple. Try working out three times a week. If you can stick to this schedule and still has some free time, add one more session.
Be realistic, and don’t get overwhelmed.
You don’t have to be perfect. You have to show up.
And there are different aspects in your life that can support your fitness results. One of the most crucial factors is your surroundings.
How do people train for a different amount of time and still get good results?
You may already know the answer to this question. As long as you’re consistent, you’ll get results.
Sure, the more time you invest in workouts, the faster you’ll get results. However, you’ll get results only if you stick to being consistent.
Find the movement that makes you happy and make it a part of your life.
Start thinking of fitness and workouts as part of your life. They’re not temporary. They’re here to stay.
Movement can and will improve your life. Constantly.
Find the movement that makes you happy and curious. Make space in your life for it and transform it into a habit.
How important is the workout duration?
It depends on the results you’re looking for, especially if they’re time-sensitive.
Yes, everyone can look good, working out a different amount of time. The workout duration depends on how fast you want results.
What can you do for a certain amount of time?
Now that you’ve understood that everyone can look great, no matter how much time he spends at the gym.
So, let’s see what you can realistically do for a certain amount of time.*
*The following examples are just ideas. You can do your workouts that fit into the time frame you have. Do what works for you and what you enjoy.
20 minutes
If you have only 20 minutes today, you can:
Do 10 minutes of cardio and some abs exercises;
Do a quick full-body workout - with or without weights;
Do a stretch and mobility practice;
Do 10 minutes of cardio and go to the sauna (if your gym has one).
You can do a great workout only for 20 minutes.
30 minutes
If you have only 30 minutes today, you can:
Do a full-body workout. I recommend you choose exercises with dumbbells only. If you’re short on time, you don’t want to wait for the fitness machines. You can always grab a pair of dumbbells and do a great strength workout.
Target a specific muscle group - quads, glutes, arms, chest, back, shoulders. Focus on whatever equipment there’s available. Do the most of what you have with your time.
Do 10 minutes cardio, 10 minutes abs workout, and go to the sauna for 10 minutes. It sounds like the perfect end of your workweek, right?!
Do a 30-minute yoga practice.
45 minutes up to 1 hour
If you have 45 minutes to 1 hour today, you can:
Do a regular workout - 45 minutes is plenty of time. Most of the time, I spend about 45 minutes at the gym. Make sure you include a proper warm-up and stretching after you finish. You can still stick to full-body workouts if you prefer them.
1.5 hours
If you have an hour and a half, you can:
Do a regular workout with a proper warm-up at the beginning and some stretching at the end. Also, you can finish with some cardio or go to the sauna. Whatever your vibe is.
2+ hours
You can practically do whatever workout you want for 2 hours. The choices are endless. You can even combine a strength workout with mobility exercises or yoga practice.
Also, think of a fun way to spend those 2 hours while being with friends and family.
Go on a hike, play some sport, or go to a group workout.
Make workouts part of your social life.
Incorporating movement as a social activity can change your perception.
If you’re new to workouts, make them as fun as possible. This way, it’ll be easier for you to stick to them.
So, what’s your perfect workout length?
Let me know in the comments below. Also, what do kind of workout do you manage to do consistently for the time you have?
If you’re consistent enough but still struggle to see results, maybe the issue is not your workout length.
Look more into the exercises you’re doing, your nutrition, rest time, sleep routine, stress levels.
Being in good physical shape is not defined only by working out. There are many factors like nutrition, rest, sleep quality. For better results, try to balance and work on all of them.
Take care of the different aspects of your life - movement, nutrition, rest and recovery, stress.
Spend as much time as you can consistently. That’s when the results will show up.
I hope this article motivated you to keep going with your fitness journey with more confidence.
Also, let me know about your fitness struggles in the comments below or fill out my survey. Once I know what bothers you, I will put an end to it.
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