Simple Full-Body Workout for Beginners
Full-body workouts are the perfect match for you if you’re a beginner at your fitness journey. You move your whole body while learning some basic exercises.
Simple exercises that will boost your beginner’s confidence.
You can do full-body workouts three times a week. This way, you can build the perfect beginner-friendly workout program.
So what will a full-body workout for beginners include?
As I mentioned above, focus on basic movements. Don’t go for heavyweights.
First, focus on your form. An exercise will be effective only if you perform it correctly.
Do the exercise cautiously and slowly. You’re in no hurry.
A good shape also lowers the risk of injuries. You’re working out to look and feel better. You don't want to have lower back pain.
There are two types of movements you can include in a full-body workout.
The first group consists of exercises that focus on just one muscle group. Some example exercises are squats, lunges, bicep curls, shoulder press, etc.
The second group includes exercises that focus on more muscle groups. For example, squat into a shoulder press, static lunge into a lateral raise, etc.
There is no correct formula on which exercises you should perform. Try a few workouts, and see which type you enjoy better.
How much should you lift as a beginner?
Don't concentrate on how much you should lift. Focus on your form first. You can even perform the exercises only with your body weight.
Once you master the form, you can increase the weight you lift.
How will you progress as a beginner?
You will progress by practicing. Try to stick to a schedule. Decide how many times per week you can go to the gym in your everyday life.
It might take time to make it a habit. But as long as you try, you'll eventually succeed.
If you need help to build your workout routine, I have seven tips for you that might help.
I won’t lie to you: every beginning is hard.
But investing time in your health will pay off. Keep on going, make a reasonable schedule that works for you, and stick to it.
Remember: Slow is the fastest way to success.
You will see reasonable progress in about 2-3 months of being consistent. You will feel more confident and able to lift heavier.
If you have any more questions, ask them in the comments. You can also fill out my survey or send me a question directly to my email:
If you need any fitness or nutrition inspiration, follow me on Instagram, I post helpful wellness content weekly.
Simple full-body workout for beginners
In this workout, you will find simple, yet fundamental movements. Once you master the basics, you'll be able to uplevel your fitness game.
Start with a lower-body pump, continue with upper-body exercises, and finish with an abs-focused exercise.
Give it a try, and let me know how it went.
Goblet squat
The goblet squat is a great exercise that focuses on your quads, glutes, and core. It’s beginner-friendly because it helps you improve your squat form.
Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell on your hands. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulder.
Lower yourself into a squat as you keep your back straight. Squat as low as you can while your back is still straight. Slowly return into starting position.
Do three sets for 10-15 repetitions.
Lunges are an essential unilateral movement every fitness enthusiast should do.
Start by grabbing a dumbbell in each hand. Place your feet hip-width apart.
Step forward, so one leg is ahead of the other. Bend your knees to 90 degrees when you lower yourself. Keep your core engaged. Push off the front leg to return to the start position.
Do three sets for 10-12 repetitions for each leg.
Bicep curls into a shoulder press
You combine two exercises in this one - bicep curls and shoulder press.
Grab a pair of dumbbells and stand with feet hip-width apart. Keep your core engaged and curl each dumbbell to your shoulder.
Bend your elbows and keep them close to your body. Keep the dumbbells at your shoulders - the elbows should be out.
Raise the dumbbells above your head. Pause at the top and slowly bring them back to the start position.
Do three sets for 10-12 repetitions.
Knee push-up
The push-ups are a fantastic exercise for your whole upper body. They can be pretty hard when you’re just starting, but the kneeling variation is beginner-friendly.
Get in a plank position. Put your knees on the ground. Your back should be straight throughout the exercise, your hands - shoulder-width apart.
Lower your torso from your knees until your elbows form a 90-degree angle. Push back up with your palms.
Do three sets for 8-10 reps. If you can’t reach that many repetitions, make as many as you can. Practice will make you better.
Related article: Dumbbell Only Upper-Body Workout
Place your forearms and toes on the floor. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders, palms facing forward. Keep your back straight while engaging your abdominal muscles.
Do three sets and hold for 15, 30, 45, or 60 seconds.
If you’re still pretty new to exercising, experiment with different workouts. Try and see what you like and what you can stick to in your everyday life.
Once you decide, focus on a workout program you can perform for at least 3-4 weeks.
If you’re looking for results, you won’t gain them from doing a random workout every time.
If you need some workout inspiration, follow me on Instagram. I post fitness workouts every week.
Find the workouts and exercises you love, and stick to them.
I hope this article motivated you to keep going with your fitness journey with more confidence.
Also, let me know about your fitness struggles in the comments below or fill out my survey. Once I know what bothers you, I will put an end to it.
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