8 Unhealthy Ways to Cope with Stress and What to Do Instead
Coping with stress is not the most comfortable and delightful task in the world. It is actually pretty stressful itself.
You might even find yourself neglecting the problem and not facing it. That’s normal because usually, the idea of dealing with it gives you even more stress.
Though it might be okay sometimes, it usually leads to unhealthy habits that have even more significant consequences.
Let’s go through the most common unhealthy ways to cope with stress and figure out what you can do instead.
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8 Unhealthy Ways to Cope with Stress
*Disclaimer: While I am writing this article, I do not mean to accuse someone of not dealing with their problems. Everyone has a different life, problems, situations, and so on. The purpose is to provide better and healthier ways to deal with stress, not judge you.
#1 Avoiding the problem
The easiest thing to do when you have a stressful situation is to avoid it. You leave it for later.
You convince yourself that later you’ll be able to make a better decision. You might even be in a better mood.
I hate to break this to you, but there is no perfect moment to deal with a stressful situation or issue. Usually, the quicker you cope with it, the sooner you forget about it.
Avoiding the problem makes it broader.
This situation is especially true when it comes to relationships. When you have a fight with your partner, you may think that pretending nothing happened is the best decision.
You both know something happened and it’s better to resolve the problem as soon as possible.
#2 Shopping
You had a stressful day at work - may be your boss or a customer was not happy with your work. You definitely deserve a ‘treat’ to feel better. Probably a new purse will do it.
Grabbing your credit card when you’re under stress is so easy. However, when the bill arrives, it’s even more stressful.
That’s like going for groceries when you’re starving. Of course, you will buy more things than you need. You might also feel like every packet of chips is whispering your name.
Shopping to calm down your feelings and feel better will help you for a few hours or a day.
After that, the credit card bill will come up, and it will cause you even more stress about how to pay the balance.
When you feel like this, don’t go for your credit card. Instead, find a natural way to raise your vibration and get back on track.
#3 Bad eating habits
Accepting food as a “treat” or something you need to deserve or reward yourself with is not the best practice for your overall health.
Eating a whole pizza or box of ice cream won’t fix your relationship and make your work easier. Restricting food because you don’t deserve it is harmful, too.
Food is the fuel your body and mind need to keep on serving you in the best possible way. It is not a treat or a consolation prize.
Learn how to nourish your body and mind with nutritious and delicious food. You will be surprised how your diet can affect your stress levels and overall quality of life.
If you need help and guidance with your nutrition, take a look at my 1:1 nutrition coaching.
You will get nutrition coaching designed especially for your lifestyle and goals. You will also get my unlimited support, and I will be with you at every step.
#4 Caffeinated drinks
Caffeinated drinks help you wake up every morning. While this may be positive and helpful, drinking too much coffee can make you more anxious and stressed.
I don’t say to cut out coffee and other caffeinated drinks for good. You know that healthy nutrition and lifestyle come down to balance.
Just be mindful of your caffeine consumption. If your morning coffee brings you joy and is a ritual you love, stick with it.
Drinking multiple cups of coffee per day may be stressing you out even more.
You can reduce your caffeine consumption or switch to another drink.
For example, if you drink 3 cups of coffee per day, reduce it to two.
When you’re really craving that caffeine, switch to another drink in the afternoon.
You can try black tea or matcha. The caffeine in those drinks releases slower. While they give you energy, you don’t experience the caffeine crash and feel more energized for longer.
#5 Self-sabotaging
Criticizing your work all the time, efforts, and yourself is not, in any way, beneficial for you. It can only harm you.
Thinking of all your flaws, telling yourself you’re not good enough, or focusing on the negative aspects of life will only make your situation worse.
Instead of sabotaging your own efforts and success, practice some positive self-talk. Notice the small victories of the day and celebrate them.
For example, you finished a project two days before the deadline. Yoo-hoo, you’re doing some great work. You’ve been working out four times this week. You’re already prioritizing healthier habits.
Try this exercise. Just for one day, try to shift your focus from your negative traits to the positive ones.
You will be surprised to understand that you’re good at much more things than you realize.
#6 Being rude to other people
When you’re stressed, a tiny irritation can lighten up your fire. And usually, you can get angry with the people you most love.
You accept them as given, so they have to cope with your behavior.
However, people are not guilty of your current problems, especially your closest ones. They support and understand you, but they have their own troubles, too.
Be grateful for the people in your life who love you and appreciate them.
It will be way easier for you if you share your problem. This way, you might get helpful advice.
Also, sharing your troubles is what you need to feel better and have some clarity on the next steps.
#7 Not getting enough sleep and rest
Working late to finish that work project should not become a habit.
Everyone has work, family, and personal responsibilities. Though sometimes you might need to sacrifice your sleep for work or other obligations, don’t let it become a daily routine.
Having enough high-quality sleep and getting adequate rest actually reduces your stress levels.
If you often have those late nights, focus on your schedule.
How can you improve your work?
How can you finish everything on time and still get 7-8 hours per sleep?
Can you transfer some of your tasks to a colleague?
Is there another time during the day that you can work on that project, even for a little bit?
Make a plan and stop neglecting your sleep. It might be the missing element of the puzzle.
Once you put it in place, you may be surprised by how fresher you feel.
#8 Increasing screen time
A part of avoiding the problem is procrastinating.
You may try to focus on different things like a new Netflix show or some random scrolling through TikTok.
There’s nothing negative about taking a break and entertaining yourself with TV and social media.
It’s easy to spend hours binge watching a new Netflix show when you want to avoid your problems.
However, too much screen time can harm your eyes and affect your focus and productivity.
Also, you usually don’t realize how quickly time passes by, and suddenly you’ve finished a whole season of episodes on Netflix.
There are better things to do in your free time that will help you cope with stress in a healthier way.
What to Do Instead
After discussing the most common unhealthy ways to cope with stress, it’s time to figure out what you can do instead and what are some healthier mechanisms.
Face your problems: The number one piece of advice I can give you.
Facing your problems is not always easy or pleasant.
But it is something you will eventually need to do. The sooner you do it, the better you will feel.
It’s really annoying when you know there’s a problem you have to deal with but keep on postponing. It is always there, in the back of your mind.
You keep on thinking about it even if you don’t admit it. It causes you even more stress than the initial situation.
The sooner you deal with it, the quicker you will feel relieved.
Talk to a professional
Sometimes life gets really hard, and it’s tough to deal with it alone.
With no hesitation, look for professional help and somebody to talk to.
There’s no shame in facing your problems and working through them. Think of the end goal - how great you will feel once you overcome this obstacle.
Find practices to reduce stress.
Every person is different. And you might need a different approach to overcome the stressful situations in life.
However, you won’t know what’s working for you until you try.
Try the things that sound good for you first and see if they’re working. Sometimes an action that might sound intimidating at first may help you the most.
Find the healthy ways to cope with stress that work for you.
Be open to suggestions and experiments. It is the only way to figure out your personal recipe for a stressless life.
Some ideas that can help you out are:
It feels like writing to your best friend, without somebody judging you. You can be 100% honest and share your deepest troubles and concerns.
Journaling is an activity that might be a little strange in the beginning, especially if you’re more of a rational person. Give it a try, and see whether you like it or help you out.
Listen to a podcast or motivational speech.
Listening to a person with similar problems can help you understand you’re not alone.
There’re so many podcasts designated for different audiences. People tend to be very vulnerable and truthful while sharing their stories.
Share with a friend.
Sharing your problems and asking for advice can help you get some clarity on your situation.
Being vulnerable is not easy. However, it is something you might need to feel better in the long run.
Get close to nature.
Nature has the power to ground and calm you.
Going on daily walks or weekly hikes may be the change in your routine that will bring you peace and relieve stress.
Focusing on living a healthy lifestyle
Nutrition, movement, stress - it’s all connected. You might be surprised how your diet can impact your overall life.
Constantly look for ways to improve your diet. Therefore, you will improve your mood and health, too.
Hiring a nutrition coach may be just what you need to start living a healthier and happier life.
Dealing with stress is no easy job. But neglecting it and finding excuses and unhealthy ways to cope with it won’t be beneficial for you.
Focus on what you can do today to feel better now and tomorrow.
Don’t ignore your current problems, as they won’t magically disappear.
Deal with your problems as soon as you can. Share your troubles with a close one or look for professional help if you think it will be good for you.
Find your healthy way to cope with stress and learn how to switch to a higher vibe.
I hope this article motivated you to keep going with your wellness journey with more confidence.
Also, let me know about your nutrition and wellness struggles in the comments below or fill out my survey. Once I know what bothers you, I will end it.
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