9 Spiritual Blocks that Actually Stop You from Losing Weight
Do you struggle to lose weight? You may think that you don't exercise enough, eat the wrong foods, or have no willpower.
However, weight loss is not only about what you physically do in your day-to-day life. It has a psychological side to it and it vastly impacts your results.
What are spiritual blocks?
Spiritual blocks are your beliefs and stories you tell yourself daily. Because they are blocks, they stop you from thinking a specific outcome or goal is possible for you to achieve.
When you tell yourself the same stories and beliefs every day, they become your truth.
Those spiritual or psychological blocks stop you from achieving your goal - to lose weight. Maybe, unconsciously, you believe this is impossible for you.
Here are the most common spiritual blocks that stop you from losing weight.
9 Spiritual Blocks that Stop You from Losing Weight
You have an emotional attachment to food.
You've probably heard the phrase: Don't eat your feelings? Well, that's emotional attachment.
When you’re feeling emotional, you should not feed your feelings. That’s not only because you’re going to gain weight.
If you eat a whole pack of Oreos, your problems won’t magically disappear. Look for practices that help you healthily cope with stress. If you find yourself struggling, never hesitate to look for professional help.
You stress around food.
If you constantly think of how much you should eat, what to eat, when, etc. this will stress you out. Big time.
It will not only affect your weight loss goal negatively but can also harm your perception of food.
Obsessing over food can harm your mental health and perception about food in general.
When you go on a diet or try to lose weight, define why you’re initiating this change. Then, define your goal and realistic ways of how you’re going to achieve it.
Remember that sustainable change takes more time, and don’t try to trick weight loss with quick hacks and tricks. They won’t work.
Think for the long game.
Also, pick routines and practices that you enjoy and can stick to in your day-to-day life.
This way, you won’t be stressed about food and can achieve your weight goal faster.
You let food control your life.
You start a diet or try to stick to a new habit. But you spin your life around food.
You plan your daily schedule on your food intake, and if something doesn’t work out up to the plan, you freak out.
Change your perceptions around food. Start perceiving it as fuel that helps your body and mind thrive.
Food is a part of your life. Not your whole life.
If you’ve ever entered the binge-restrict cycle, the easiest way to break it is to permit yourself to eat whatever you want.
I know it sounds scary but to achieve a body change, you should stop perceiving food as a treat or reward. Any food is good for you as long as it’s a part of a well-balanced diet.
If you don’t believe me, you can research why you should not eat spinach every day. And no, this doesn’t mean that spinach is bad for you. It means that a healthy diet consists of variety.
You obsess around your weight.
If you weigh yourself three times per day, stop.
First, the scale is not an accurate tool to measure your progress.
Your weight varies every day. It can change because: you just ate, you pooped, you didn’t poop, you did a workout, you’re on your period, you’re not on your period, you drank water, you ate food with too much salt, etc.
If you weigh yourself every day, understand that the scale is not a precise tool to measure your progress.
If you insist on using the scale, weigh yourself at the same time of the day, only once per day. And keep in mind that fluctuations are normal.
Compare your weight at the beginning of every month to see whether you’re making progress.
Keep in mind that resistance training builds muscle. And muscle weighs too.
Also, ask yourself why you want to weigh x kg. What does this mean to you, and how it will benefit or change your life?
Be honest, and remember that your weight doesn’t determine your worth.
You hate wasting food.
Raise your hand if you’re always finishing everything on your plate. I am so guilty of this.
Understand that there’s nothing wrong if you don’t finish everything that’s on your plate, especially if you’re already feeling full.
Ask yourself why it’s so crucial for you to finish everything on your plate. When you answer, ask yourself why again.
Repeat that process 3-4 times until you reveal a deeper reason. And yes, there’s always a deeper reason.
To prevent this:
Be the one that puts the food on the plate;
Know that you can always take your food home (if you’re eating out) and finish it tomorrow or later;
Freeze what’s left for a night when you don’t feel like cooking.
Learn how to tune into your hunger cues and stop eating once you’re full.
You think it’s impossible to lose weight.
Spiritual blocks are the negative stories and beliefs you tell yourself every day. If you repeat one lie enough times, it inevitably becomes a truth.
What makes you think you can’t lose weight?
If you think you don’t have enough willpower, that’s not the case. If you mostly count on your willpower to lose weight, then the program you’re following is not right for you.
Find habits and practices that are easy for you to stick to. This way, you should not rely on your willpower but on practicing habits you enjoy and know benefit your life.
You don’t have clear goals or expectations.
When you want to change your body, set a clear goal.
You want to lose weight? How much?
What is a possible and realistic time frame to lose this weight? What are some practices you can start implementing?
Answer those questions, pick practices that sound good and effective to you, and start planning.
Block time in your calendar. Plan your meals and workouts - what you're going to eat and what exercises to perform. Schedule workouts, grocery shopping, meal prep. Even set time aside to reflect on your progress.
Once you are clear on your goals, have realistic expectations, and action plan, you have a secure way to success.
Personal mindset barriers and subconscious beliefs
Explore your personal beliefs around weight.
Make sure that losing weight comes from a good place, not because of society’s expectations.
Health and beauty are not defined by body size, image, or weight.
Practice some of the exercises to overcome spiritual blocks. (Suggested below.)
Thinking that a change is impossible can only keep you away from your goal.
Other factors that keep you away from losing weight
Besides all the spiritual barriers, here are four common reasons why you’re not losing weight.
You are dieting all the time.
If you’re jumping from diet to diet, you should give your body a break.
Being in a constant deficit and restriction makes your body go into survival mode.
Your body is smarter than you. When you keep reducing your calorie intake, it thinks that food is scarce and will do whatever it takes to keep you alive. It even starts to store more fat for the same reason.
So, if you’ve been dieting for more than six months, give yourself a 2-3 month break. Try to maintain your current body weight.
After that, define your goals, set clear expectations, and figure out a plan you should stick to accomplish those goals.
Working out too much
Just like dieting all the time, working out too much may harm your body.
When you don’t have enough rest, your body doesn’t recover fully and properly.
This leads to worse performance, less energy, you feeling fatigued all the time, and your body feeling stressed.
Working out all the time can actually harm your progress.
If you want to see progress, your body needs adequate rest.
Rest days will depend on your lifestyle and goals. I would say that two rest days are mandatory for everyone (besides professional athletes).
Warm up and stretch before and after every workout to speed up your recovery. On your rest day, you can also go for walks, use a deep tissue massage gun, foam roller, practice yoga, etc.
Without giving your body enough rest, you’re preventing your progress and stressing out both - your body and mind.
If your daily life is full of stress and you constantly feel that you’re behind, this also can impact your ability to lose weight.
When you don’t have enough physical rest, it harms not only your body but your mind. It’s the same with emotional stress. If your mind is stressed out, your body will be too.
So, whenever you want to change something about yourself, treat your body as a whole.
Pick mindful practices that will make you present in the moment and can relieve stress. My favorite ones are meditating, journaling, being close to nature, and reducing screen time.
Poor sleep
When you don’t get enough sleep, your body and mind are stressed and tired. And you already know why stress is bad for you, right?
Prioritize good sleep every night and aim for 8 hours. It helps your body and mind rest.
The best way to set your mind to sleep mode is to make a night routine. It can be anywhere between 15 to 60 minutes.
Some common practices are to switch off the technology, drink a cup of calming tea (chamomile), avoid caffeine consumption at least 5 hours before sleep, set some calming music or meditation, try aromatherapy, etc.
Experiment and see what’s working for you. Understand that when you prioritize nutritious foods, move your body daily, get a good night's sleep, and manage stress, any weight change is possible.
Exercises to Help You Overcome Spiritual Barriers and Lose Weight
To overcome the spiritual barriers that stop you from losing weight, you can start by answering a few simple questions.
Being honest with yourself about your beliefs can be scary but has the power to shift your mindset and change your life.
Write your beliefs about food and weight.
Ask yourself: Do you have to weigh certain pounds to feel beautiful, healthy, or something else?
If yes, where do you think this belief comes from? (society, friend, etc.) Be clear that you’re in charge of your thoughts. Write your new story.
Example: I have to weigh under 150 lbs to feel beautiful. This story comes from all the posts I watch on social media and women claiming that you should have a 6-pack to be healthy. But I don’t have to believe this story anymore. I have the right to write my own story which is: My beauty is not defined by my weight or appearance.
How do you perceive your body image?
Write down what you like about your body, what you don’t, and why. Again, look for spiritual barriers and beliefs that are not true.
Finally, write down your weight goal.
Ask yourself how you feel about achieving it. What thoughts come to mind? Debunk the negative ones.
Also, ask yourself whether this weight loss goal comes from a healthy place.
Then, make a plan, schedule everything in your calendar, and start taking action.
Final Thoughts
Losing weight has many elements.
To be successful, first, identify your beliefs around weight and body image. Debunk the negative stories, and write new ones.
If you recognize some of the spiritual barriers described above, you now have the skillset to get rid of them.
However, losing weight is not rocket science. If you find your current program too hard or restrictive to follow, there’s nothing wrong with you. Probably, it’s simply not the right program for you.
Nutrition Coaching
If you feel lost in the nutrition world and need guidance to live your healthiest and happiest life, check out my 1:1 coaching. I can’t wait to help you build a healthy lifestyle you can stick to every day.
Free Resources
You already probably know that protein is extremely important for you. But do you manage to eat enough protein every day?
In the protein cheat sheet, you will find 20+ high-protein foods, meal ideas, and tips on how to eat more protein so that healthy eating never seems hard.
The most popular fitness goal amongst women is to grow their glutes. Many women change only their workouts without thinking about nutrition.
Be ahead of the others and grab my meal plan for glute gains. Once you know which foods to prioritize, growing your glutes will become easy to achieve.
Comment below: what other guide you will need to feel more confident in your health journey and accomplish your goals.
If you enjoy short and handy nutrition and wellness tips, give me a follow on Instagram. I share my perspective on how to ditch the diet culture, make healthy eating easy, and build wellness habits.
I hope this article motivated you to keep on going with your wellness journey with more confidence.
Until next time.
- Mariya
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